
I’m extremely fortunate to be starting a new position at the University of Southern Mississippi this fall as an Assistant Professor of History. I’m taking the opportunity to begin thinking about how I use this site a bit differently regarding my teaching. The past two years I used it in lieu of traditional course manage systems. Sometimes, this meant requiring students to use WordPress to blog their reading responses. In other instances, I used the site to display final projects. While I may continue, in some manner, this latter use, generally speaking the use of my own system for weekly student assignments just created more work for all involved. Instead, I will be shifting to the course management system used at Southern Miss.

In addition, while I will continue to make my PowerPoint slides available to my students after each lecture, will leave the slides from past courses online, and am happy to send links to new slides to anyone so interested, I will not be making them immediately public each semester. These too will now be uploaded onto Blackboard. This decision is mainly because I want new students to encounter the slides in class, rather than seeing old versions online and figuring out an effective archiving system using WordPress seemed to be more effort than it is worth. Current and past syllabi will continue to be posted each semester, but they will only be connected to a separate course website in cases where I use the site for a final project.

I still want to make as much of my teaching materials public as possible, without sacrificing the in-class experience. I’ve been very happy to have been contacted by a few people interested in those materials after coming across them here and I hope that will continue. Don’t hesitate to get in touch at if that is you.