The History of Sexuality in Video Games

I’m looking forward to when academic discourse begins to catch up with ongoing discussions online regarding representations of gender and sexuality in video games and other geeky ephemera. Today in the genre is a short history of sex in video games by Cara Ellison in Vice. I think it focuses a bit too much on the explicitly sexual and thus misses some examples that aren’t meant to be titillating. The most obvious is Atlus’s Catherine, which explores desire and infidelity in the context of — because why not — a puzzle game. But otherwise, it’s a fun read that also gives some nice nods to the way the medium has grown and matured over the past few decades.

Want to Critique Black Studies? Read Some Books

Timothy Burke provides would-be critics of Black Studies with a required reading list.  Only required for those wishing to keep their day jobs at the Chronicle of Higher of Education.