“Fuck you Richard Corcoran”

Nothing like ruining a few people’s careers and destroying a highly respected institution to score some cheap political points, I guess. From the Chronicle of Higher Education:

The issue eliciting the strongest protest was whether five professors who had already cleared the usual hurdles to achieve tenure would be approved by the board — what is normally a perfunctory step. But the college’s interim president, Richard Corcoran, had let it be known that he didn’t want those tenure cases to be approved, citing general upheaval at the college and its new direction. The board acceded to Corcoran’s wishes, voting down the professors one by one, each by a count of six votes to four, before adjourning to chants of “shame on you” from those assembled.

Ron Desantis is a fascist. Control of educational systems is key to the project as much as the bringing into line of private industry.

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