Some Digital Humanities Links

The Chronicle of Higher Education describes a new effort to map archival materials online.  Mostly for Americanists at the moment, it seems.

AcademiPad lists 30 online resources for academic life, writing, and technology.

ProfHacker announces the Digital Humanities Winter Institute.  I almost went this year to the summer event, but for a variety of reasons decided against.  Maybe see you in Maryland this winter?

Productivity Helpers

I’ve recently started reading both ProfHacker and GradHacker because I’m obsessed with trying out new digital research tools (a tendency not actually good for productivity, it should be said).  Today, Gradhacker provides a list of productivity helpers.  I’m particularly glad I checked out the post since, after clicking on the “Surviving the Lit Review” link (I thought it may be useful for the course I’m teaching this year requiring undergraduates to write a short review essay themselves, I cam across this fantastic post explaining how one can use Skim, a pdf annotator and viewer, with Scrivener, a writing program.  I have only recently started using both programs; both are excellent and I’m excited to try out a method of using them together.